Sip, Savor, Smile: The Joy of a Cup of Coffee
We are pouring up along side this tune from mtbrd (@mtbrd) “Damn Fine Coffee”. We cant get enough of the soothing vibes that encourage you to think about your cup of coffee as gift, a reward, a pleasant, daily intermission.

America’s Unique Approach to Time Off
The summer holiday season in Europe ushers in a unique atmosphere. Entire industries grind to a halt, factories and restaurants alike. In fact, workers within the EU (European Union) are guaranteed four weeks of paid vacation every year, no matter the industry or the compensation. This is in stark contrast to America, where vacation is not guaranteed. In fact, millions of entitled vacation days go unused yearly. What are the reasons behind this phenomenon? Isn’t it puzzling to think about why Americans are so reluctant to embrace their earned vacation benefits?
Well look no further than NPR’s Planet Money to tackle the case. They delve into the historical, cultural, and economic factors that shed some light on the disparity.
Discussion Topics
- Europe’s Festival Culture
- The American Puritans: Idleness & Religious Guilt
- The Economic Man Theory & Consumerist Culture
Ultimately the discussion winds down with a discussion surrounding collective bargaining rights in the 1930’s, and the pivotal “Big 3” – pensions, health insurance, and vacation. Race, too, played a significant role, as resistance to granting these rights was fueled by racial biases. Unlike in Europe, where such benefits are considered fundamental rights, in the US, they often come at a financial cost, relegating vacation to a lower priority.
Economics and politics intertwine in this discourse, and point out how Americans should reconsider their approach to leisure. Loving life involves enjoying one’s well-deserved vacation days in the present, rather than postponing them until the twilight of old age.
For those intrigued, you can listen to Planet Money – Vacation, and why the U.S. takes so little of it, below.
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