6 Ways to Style The Shortstop Tee
The Shortstop Tee Everybody wants to play shortstop. It’s perhaps the coolest position on the field. It requires a mix of good fundamentals, arm strength, intelligence, grace, and of course flair. Smooth, sexy, precise movements that are the culmination of hard work, determination, and personal flair. Everybody brings their own unique style to [...]
The Spring Jacket Luvet Capsule
The Spring Jacket Luvet Capsule Get excited! Spring is just a day away, and the weather is certainly cooperating with our traditional “Enter Spring Here” assertions. We saw sun, snow, sleet, and rain within the course of 24 hours and there is no telling what’s next. So what can we do about that? [...]
Luvet Feature Capsule: Lyndon Jones @mrlyndonj
Luvet Feature Capsule: Lyndon Jones @mrlyndonj What are you inspired by? There is so much you can learn about yourself, the world, and others by opening your eyes, taking a closer look, and finding something special... a color, a detail, information or a nuance you didn’t previously expect or imagine. As it pertains [...]
Luvet Women’s Capsule W05: Musing
Luvet Women's Capsule W05: Musing A little something fresh. Buy less, Buy better. Stock, demand, and pricing can change rapidly. So act quickly to ensure you receive your favorite piece before they are all gone. Some of the links are affiliate links, meaning we will receive a small commission. This commission comes at [...]